Senin, 31 Desember 2007

Led Zeppelin newest album "Mothership"

Halo sobat2 smua! gmana kabrnya? b4 gw review album ini,gw ngucapin selamat tahun baru 2008 bwt kalian smua!!!
Nah... bwt loe2 pada yg ngaku demen sm Jimi pages cs, loe harus pny ni album. Kenapa? soalnya ini adl album very bestnya led zeppelin. maybe ini album trakhir led zeppelin, tapi gw harap nggak,soalnya gw masih demen ama suaranya robert plant.
Ini dia tracklistnya :

Disc One

  1. Good Times Bad Times
  2. Communication Breakdown
  3. Dazed And Confused
  4. Babe I’m Gonna Leave You
  5. Whole Lotta Love
  6. Ramble On
  7. Heartbreaker
  8. Immigrant Song
  9. Since I’ve Been Loving You
  10. Rock And Roll
  11. Black Dog
  12. When The Levee Breaks
  13. Stairway To Heaven

Disc Two

  1. Song Remains The Same
  2. Over The Hills And Far Away
  3. D’Yer Maker
  4. No Quarter
  5. Trampled Under Foot
  6. Houses Of The Holy
  7. Kashmir
  8. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
  9. Achilles Last Stand
  10. In The Evening
  11. All My Love

Disc Three: DVD (Deluxe Edition)

  1. We’re Gonna Groove (Royal Albert Hall)
  2. I Can’t Quit You Babe (Royal Albert Hall)
  3. Dazed & Confused (Royal Albert Hall)
  4. White Summer (Royal Albert Hall)
  5. What Is & What Should Never Be (Royal Albert Hall)
  6. Moby Dick (Royal Albert Hall)
  7. Whole Lotta Love (Royal Albert Hall)
  8. Communication Breakdown (Royal Albert Hall)
  9. Bring It On Home (Royal Albert Hall)
  10. Immigrant Song (Audio: 1972 / Pics, Australia 1972 Super 8)
  11. Black Dog (Madison Square Garden)
  12. Misty Mountain Hop (Madison Square Garden)
  13. Going To California (Earls Court)
  14. In My Time Of Dying (Earls Court)
  15. Stairway To Heaven (Earls Court)
  16. Rock And Roll (Knebworth)
  17. Nobody’s Fault But Mine (Knebworth)
  18. Kashmir (Knebworth)
  19. Whole Lotta Love (Knebworth) Detailnya lo bisa akses ke

Minggu, 30 Desember 2007

Ada yg pny koleksi album2nya the misfits???

Ada yg punya koleksi album2nya(mp3 jg gpp) the misfits?
Klo ada yg punya,gw beli deh...(harganya bisa dinego dl)
Loe confirm di blog ini ataw loe krim imel ke :
atw kontak lgsung nmrku 081802774434

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2007

The Black Dahlia Murder "Noctural" World Tour 2007

Genre: Hard Rock & Metal
Artist:BDM, Purgatory, Dead Squad, Burgerkill

Wuiiihh akhirnya datang juga Trevor cs ke Negri kita. Tapi sayng gw ga liat konsernya. Coba konser di Jogja.... Btw Opening bandnya lumayan oke (biarpun gw g liat), yg gw taw sih cman Burger Kill doank.
Band yg satu ini punya vokalis yg sgt kharismatik low. Lagu2 yg dia bawain like A Vulgar picture, Funeral Thirst emang ga bsa ilang di kpla gw (segitunya...). Tapi sumpah TBDM emang keren....
Oiya klo mo donlot2 lagu2nya klik aja di

Senin, 19 November 2007


Cewek yang ngaku nge-fans sama Yeah Yeah Yeahs and bisa nyanyi jadi vokalis band gw!!!
Klo berminat, ni syarat2 nye :
-SUka TEriak2 keras!!!
-Suka musik nya YYY
-Klo bisa sih lo cwek tomboy (pengennya gw siih...)
-Muka ngga ancur amat
-Hapal be2rapa lagunya YYY
-SUka kluar malem (emank kucing garong?!)
-Umur klo bisa sih masih muda 14,15,16....
-ANak Jogja

Berminat kontak Bambang (Bebe)
ataw langsung dateng aja ke Lombok Studio Musik Jl.Hos CokroAminoto Km2 (Timur Smp 11 YK)

catatan : band sih bwt nge-jam2 aja, tp klo takdirnya mau jd terkenal bisa jd serius...

Senin, 15 Oktober 2007

Wajah kakek moyangnya bob marley nih!!! :P huahahaha...!!!

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2007

Tau Band indie Yeah Yeah Yeahs? Nah ini salah satu single-nya yang ada di album mereka "Fever To Tell"(klo ga salah?).

Band ini mengangkat genre "garage". Band yang digawangi oleh;

-Karen O's (Lead Vocal)

-Nick Zinner (Lead Guitar)

-Brian Chase (Drum)

Keunikan (unik?) band ini pertama; ga punya bassist, keren, lirik bikin hidup lebih hidup, + vokalisnya cantik...

Yeah Yeah Yeahs ini uda buat album:

-Show Your Bones (2006)

-Fever To Tell (2003)

-Pin (single or mini album) (2003)

-Self Titled (2001)

Yeah Yeah Yeahs`s website: []

One think yg perlu kalian tau: "GW SUKA BGT YEAH YEAH YEAHS!!!!"

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2007

Hey Ho Let`s Go

uda baca biography-nya ramones kita bahas yuuks!!!

- Judul Buku: "Hey Ho Let`s Go" The Story
Of Ramones
- Pengarang : Everett True
- Publisher : Omnibus Press; 1 edition
(Oct 20 2002)
- Tebal Hal. : 304 Halaman
- Bahasa : Inggris (Ada sih translate-nya)
Review token from :
"All I ever wanted was to see smiles on the kids' faces" - Marky Ramone

In 2004, life without the Ramones and, in particular, Joey and Dee Dee, remains a novel concept. After the playing the last of some 2,200 (very) odd gigs in 1996, the band hung up their leather jackets, t-shirts, torn jeans and tennis shoes and rode off into the sunset to the strains of Ennio Morricone's "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" theme. Anyone with a pulse is cognizant of "da bruddahs" rightful coronation as rawk royalty, although most of the accolades didn't start arriving until they went away.
Everett True postulates they functioned as much like a gang as they did a band, but a more accurate analogy might be La Cosa Nostra, with Johnny as capo di tutti capi and the rest as misfit goombahs. Until the end, it appeared the Ramones' creed was "in for life" and to this day, there appears to be some sort of omerta regarding Richie, who came up to the bigs for a cup of coffee when Marky was too drunk to sit upright on his drum stool.
True, himself a huge fan, paints a picture, warts and all, of four maladjusted kids from Forest Hills who had a musical vision that was rammed home with all the subtlety of a trouser cough on a crowded elevator (thanks, Andrew!), succeeding as purveyors of pure white noise in spite of themselves. Embittered somewhere along the way about the brass ring that seemed to elude them in the form of hit records and credit for if not creating punk rock, then at least kickstarting it, the Ramones turned to infighting, drugs, booze and tinkering with their sonic fabric.
The rift between Johnny and Joey is as much attributed to a struggle for control of their musical direction as it is to Johnny's stealing Joey's girlfriend and then marrying her. Is it any wonder long-suffering tour manager Monte Melnick's job is likened to that of a special-ed teacher chaperoning four retards on a 20-year field trip? Surprisingly, for all of the legend surrounding Dee Dee's heroin addiction and the lengths he allegedly went to to cop, it's given short shrift by True, although he doesn't sugarcoat Marky's liquor-soaked tours of duty. As I read True's account of Joey's passing while laying in a hospital bed surrounded by family and friends, I cried like a baby while riding a bus home from work surrounded by total strangers.
As punk marches into the 21st century, the Ramones have been rightfully iconized as the ultimate anti-heroes and the most influential band this side of The Beatles - no, make that the most influential band ever - architects of a unique universe of bad taste, volume, melody, and momentum. Despite that dubious achievement, there is a noticeable dearth in print about them, but True's book takes to places none of the others do, whether you like it or not.

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2007

The S.I.G.I.T (The Super Insurgent Group of Intemperance Talent), sebenernya ini berita uda basi (uda kemaren2) but it`s okay kita review lg. Band yg digawangi 4 anak gila ini;Rekti, Farri, Acil, Adit ini ngeluarin Full album mereka yang tracklist-nya:
-Black amplifier
-New Generation
-Nowhere End
-Live In New York
-Clove Doper-Soul
Sister-Save Me
-Let It Go
-All The time
-Satan State
-Black amplifier (acoustic)
Band ini bergenre Rock, Blues,+ Garage rock(klo gw bilang sih...). Dengan skill soulnya mereka yang keren abiz, alhasil mereka bisa menggaet major record yg ada di Aussie....
So.... bwt kalian yg merasa anak rockAndroll holic, ga sia sia klo kalian beli Album ini "Visible Idea Of Perfection"
OK sukses selalu buat the S.I.G.I.T!!!


my first blog!!! coba2 ah maen di blogger.....

Setujukah anda k`lo The Upstairs itu lebih keren daripada Didi Kempot?